Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ignorant Man Ponders Global Warming

I am smack dab in the middle of a massive writing project and I've hit a bit of a wall. Oddly enough, the best way for to get going again is to write a blog post or an email about nothing in particular. The lack of rigid rules and intense subject matter helps me clear my mind.

I usually blog about things I know something about like basic economics, or random life experiences. Today I want to write about something I know almost nothing about. I need your help to find good information about this subject, because I'd really like to know more about the answer. But I want to write about some of the problems i have with the whole issue.

First, lets review some of the Global Warming Highlights:

1: There's some sort of correlation between CO2 and temperature.
2: If temperatures change dramatically, local climates will change causing the established industries several problems. (i.e., Rapid global cooling might hurt orange farmers in Florida, while rapid warming would probably screw up Idaho farmers, but that's just my assumption)
3: If the ice caps melt something bad would happen. There doesn't seem to be a consensus about how much oceans would rise, but coastal areas and low elevation places like Miami, Hong Kong, and the Netherlands would have all sorts of problems and might be uninhabitable.
3.1: Also, Al Gore says that if the ice caps melt the earth would reflect less heat back into space, (less ice = less white reflectivity) so earth would get hotter faster.
4: Some commentators and celebrities say that our future is in serious jeopardy.
5: Other commentators say Global Warming is a hoax.
6: Global warming scares these people

I'm seriously confused. I can't find any really good article that lays down both sides of the argument. I've heard that CO2 causes temperatures to rise, I've heard rising temperature causes Co2 to rise. I've heard there is a scientific consensus about warming, I've heard that hundreds, maybe thousands of notable scientists don't think the verdict is in.


On the one hand, I don't think you should just blindly believe Glenn, Rush, Sean or Mr. Savage when they say Global Warming is a hoax. I get it guys, the planet has cooled over the last 10 years. I also get that the Global Warming believers changed the name to global climate change when the cooling started.
These people, typically more conservative folks, are quick to point out that many scientists argue one of two things: 1) That the Globe may be warming or cooling, but Man isn't the cause. 2) That even if man were contributing to global warming, the contribution isn't significant enough for us to really reverse anything, and that our efforts won't have an environmental impact but may have other large costs.

Okay Gentlemen, go ahead and tell everyone that the debate isn't over, but you are seriously calling it a hoax? It seems like there are plenty of reputable scientists out there who say Global Climate Change is caused by man, and we should try to reverse it.


1: So is the debate over? Is there a scientific consensus? Why would you claim that when there are opposing scientists? A vigorous debate brings attention to the issue. If you think you have such a strong case, have a national debate about it and get people involved. If the facts are on your side, people will follow you. Instead, you argue that the debate is over, and then nobody reads about the issue. It's kind of like Sports. If you are claiming that your team is the best and that another team has no chance, the best way to prove it is to play the other team and kick the crap out of them. Sure, you risk the chance of getting embarrassed, but if you are so confident then get on the field.

2: You really aren't accomplishing anything. Our conservation efforts are meager at best. The celebrities and all of the stupid green (which also means money) symbols on television aren't really swaying public opinion. The Global warming issue is fading a bit because of other major problems in the world and you'll never get cap and trade or kyoto passed if the public isn't behind it.

3: If you are really so scared, why can't you scare other people enough. Nobody seems to be moving off the coast because of global warming. The president doesn't even seem to be completely convinced about the urgency of climate change. Seriously, this is end of the world type stuff that some of you are claiming. If there was a known and impending nuclear threat, we'd be going all Jack Bauer on its eh ess ess.

4: Your strategies are stupid. Are you more concerned with saving the planet or being "right". You want to battle this? You should do it with economics not guilt. Figure out a way to make it cheaper to be "green" and you will make huge strides. Instead you try to get policies passed to increase the cost of being not-green. And if you can't make green products cheap, make them really awesome. Have Steve Jobs teach you how to design and market your products.

5: Some of your solutions seem to be dirty. Is it true that hybrid batteries are depleting natural resources and causing terrible disposal problems? Is it true that the "green" lightbulbs are toxic and cause pollution at disposal? Is it true that ethanol actually doesn't end up conserving energy and causes food shortages and higher food prices?

Anyway, I really want to know more about this. I would do anything for my baby, and if we're completely screwing over the future climate that she will live in (like we are economically) then I am happy to get involved. But it seems like there is a lack of good information out there.. all I can find is "Of course global warming is real, go live in a tent" :)
Anyone have any good sources for me to read?

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