Saturday, August 29, 2009

Average ability, great opportunity.

". . . but be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some acheive greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em." (Shakespeare's "Twelth Night")

"Ability involves responsibility; power to its last particle, is duty." (Alexander Maclaren)

So what about the rest of us? Born average, average achievement, completely unthrusted upon (out of the gutter please) Spiderman the movie even takes a cue from Mr. Maclaren when Uncle Ben says "with great power comes great responsibility." I love those quotes, and they make me feel all warm and fuzzy, but I don't think they are complete. I believe Jesus said it better: "for whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required . . ." (Luke 12:48) It's true that greatness or power can be given to a man, and therefore much would be required, but opportunity can also be a gift. There is so much need in this world, and as a result, there are many opportunities to make a difference.
The economy is in the tank, millions of Americans don't have access to health care, the public school system is falling behind, and even the post office is on the road to failure. So what are you going to do about it? Wait and see if the politicians fix it, and if they don't you'll vote em the heck out of there? Good luck with that.
Now is the time to come together. Families, communities, churches, and other organizations can improve any situation as long as people are willing to work.
We've been given the opportunity to live in one of the greatest ages the earth has ever seen. New advances in medicine, technology, and creativity are unprecedented. And now, as our security and prosperity seem to be slipping away, we all look around to find someone to blame. But in the end, you will be judged, whether by man or God, based on what you did with what you had.

I still believe that we can turn things around through hard work, determination, and a load of optimism. We are constantly having great opportunities thrust upon us. And even though these opportunities are coming in the form of adversity, we must do our best to face them with enthusiasm rather than cynicism.

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