Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Brain = No Vacancy

My brain can't take it anymore; no, wait... my brain won't take it anymore. I don't really know how to explain this feeling, but right now my brain is like a bank vault at night: nothing can open it but time. This isn't fatigue, and I'm not sleepy. My brain actually will not accept information. This has happened 3 times in my life: right now, the night after I finished my 8 hour final last semester, and after memorizing 300 chinese characters a couple years ago. I can still access information, and I'm still thinking clearly, but I can't learn anything.. This is especially inconvenient because I need to be learning about joining parties in a lawsuit. I think running would help, but I already did that. Alcohol is not an option. I think television is my only hope, and that's kind of ironic. Avoiding learning and wasting time watching Heroes on hulu.com might actually help me get ready for my next final. Pure awesomeness.

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